Who Are We?
The Lyceum Centre for the Gifted and Talented is an education institution based in Sydney dedicated for enriching gifted students.
Gifted students are often overlooked, underachieve or unchallenged by mainstream schools. Our founders, who are experienced educators and gifted individual themselves, have set up the centre to address the lack of programs and resources available for gifted students.
Lyceum Centre is inspired by the vision of the Lyceum founded by Aristotle in 335 BC. Back then, the Lyceum was used not only for educational purposes, but also for assembly, discussions, and philosophical debates. Socrates, like his teachers Plato and Aristotle, also believe in the dialectic way of learning, to help students learn through questioning and thinking instead of gorging on facts and information.
Philosophy is the father of all studies, and Lyceum Centre aims to bring learning back to its origin and essence. Students of the Lyceum are active and inquisitive learners, and their questions and curiosity are quenched by fellow scholars and masters who support their learning and facilitate the development of their critical and independent thinking. It is also a “centre” for gifted students and their family to socialise with each other and to find someone of their tribe.

Our Vision and Commitment
Lyceum Centre shares Australia’s egalitarian vision, but we also see that the needs of the gifted are often neglected. Lyceum Centre believes every child has the right to receive the support they need to achieve their best.
Our vision is to help the gifted population to receive the individual support they need, as well as providing them a place to be themselves and get to know other fellow gifted members in their learning journey. We aim to nurture gifted students from any background so they can maximise their talents and reach their full potential.
We understand and recognise the talents and needs of individual gifted students can be very different. As such we are committed to providing an enriching experience that is tailored for our students by understanding them as individuals. The needs and success of our students are our number one priority.
We also hope our work and research can strengthen the understanding and recognition of the needs of gifted students.